Twitter Directory – Analyst

We have moved! Please visit our new location on the SageCircle website.

SageCircle has launched a new website that is now the location for Analyst Twitter Directory and the other directories. 

Some items, such as the Twitter Directories, require you to be registered on the site. Registration is free and can be done by clicking on “No Account Yet? Register Here” in the Login box in the upper right column. You will have to validate the registration by responding to a confirmation email that will appear in your inbox in a few moments. Once registered, you can login in and then find links to the directories on the “User Menu” which will appear in the left column under “Upcoming Events.”

Besides the Twitter Directory, the website ( is also the new location of our blog on the analyst ecosystem. You will be able to read all the past posts and comments, the latest blog posts, review the Analyst and AR Twitter Directories, signup for SageCircle’s free AR newsletter, listen to available recorded AR Coffee Talks, and more.

Please let us know what you think about the new website. We appreciate your comments as we work to improve the website and our other services.


  1. Hi there – just saw that I’d been added to the list. Thanks for that!

    However, I don’t seem to be linked – just underlined. Or has Firefox lost it’s mind on me? (seems to be affecting the entry for Andreas “Andy” Bitterer as well)

    I’m @dankeldsen ( ) on twitter – and “Market IQ” is our quarterly research offering (IQ = Intelligence Quarterly). I work at AIIM (, or if you prefer, in AIIM Market Intelligence, if you could update both bits of info and re-sort.

    BTW – interested in hearing more about your use of a wiki as a means of providing paid services. Feel free to contact me directly via e-mail or twitter.

    Cheers (and thanks again!),

  2. I wish I could blame technology. Actually, the problem was human error by our data entry staff for the Analyst Twitter Directory… hmm, that would be me. ;->

    Thanks for the corrections. Those have been fixed. I’ll DM you about the question on the AR Wiki.

  3. […] known, willingly opting in to the public timeline of Twitter. All of their names are published at Sage Circle for anyone to see and follow. In fact, in order to really productively use many of the new open […]

  4. Note: Lynn Mantion is no longer at In-Stat. She was a contractor this past summer and has since moved on.

  5. No independent industry analysts? You don’t even list Tamura Jones, whose honesty has topped Microsoft’s hate list for decades.

  6. Hi Prem, Thanks for the comment.

    We have all sorts of analysts on the list from single practitioners to boutiques to large firms. We happily add all analysts — as we find them. Unfortunately not all analysts put information into their Twitter bio that makes it easy to identify them as analysts.

    Please leave another comment or send us via email (info [at] Tamara’s Twitter handle and firm name and we’ll add her.

  7. AP well covered – although the take-up from analysts is poor, and the volume from the big guys low – this could all change!

    Really appreciate the directory being kept open-source – as social media grows this is definitely going to become an AR differentiator.


  8. Please add me to your directory. I cover HRM software and outsourcing as the managing partner of my 22+ year old solo practice, Bloom & Wallace. My Twitter handle is @InFullBloomUS. Thank you.

  9. Hi Carter,
    Could you add me to your directory? I re-joined Gartner last fall. My coverage areas include disaster recovery, data center automation, high availability, and systems management generally. I’m not in the information security or identity management domains much these days.

  10. Carter – Ah, haven’t swung by in a while.

    Left AIIM as of December 1 last year.

    New company is Information Architected. Providing Analysis, Consulting and Education – for end-users and vendors, across process, innovation, content, knowledge and search.

    Twitter handle remains @dankeldsen

    What is YOUR Information Architected for?


  11. Very useful directory

    George Crump of Storage Switzerland belongs on the list as well @storageswiss



  12. Hi,

    We have added new analysts, etc to our Forrester Twitter Directory:
    You are missing:
    Strothkamp, Brad
    Nagel, Bill
    Mitchell, Chad
    Johnson, Carrie
    Kemp, Mary Beth
    Koplowitz, Rob
    Higdon, Emmett
    De Lussanet, Michelle
    Belissent, Jennifer

    These Twitter handles aren’t working:
    Evelson, Boris
    Whiteley, Rob

    These people aren’t at Forrester:
    Schatsky, David
    Tsang, Keith
    Evelson, Boris

    Alexis N. Karlin
    Web Producer – Forrester

  13. Hi,

    great list, thanks for putting that together. Could you add Wireless Intelligence/GSMA to the list? analysts are:

    Joss Gillet –
    Will Croft –


  14. Update for me – I’m now @cloudpundit on Twitter, rather than @cyberlwl.

    — Lydia Leong (Gartner)

  15. Great list and extremely useful, although Econsultancy has a bigger team than just one person! I’m their Research Analyst for example… Shameless request to be added to the list, please! Thank you!

  16. Hope you’ll consider me for the list. I research the interaction of IT and international relations, including cyberwarfare, internet capital flows, information security, and cross-cultural online behavior.


  17. […] As Carter shows, there are less than 250 analysts on twitter, and fewer than 300 analyst blogs according to Barbara: there’s a big overlap between the two lists. Analysts whose work concerns social media are, of course, in that group.   Depending on how you define analysts, there are at least 4,000 and perhaps 6,000 analysts. So one analyst out of every one or two dozen is using those social media. […]

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